Poker an exciting game that is played by millions of people around the world. If you like, and often play poker, we'll show you how to turn this game into a decent salary. If you are not familiar with poker, we will teach you the basics of the game and you can earn without leaving home. You can learn how to win at poker game.

Learning to play poker

Posted by GreyCardinal On

Learn to play poker at PokerStrategy school

Top coaches PokerStrategy

Articles strategies - strategies, concepts and frameworks

Section strategy articles, columns and quizzes - it is the heart PokerStrategy.

You get acquainted with the strategies and theoretical concepts for the various game options, combined, depending on the level of play. The emphasis is, of course, on Texas Hold'em - the favorite and the most common form of poker.

Another important theme of form articles on psychology, which reveal to you the mindset of successful poker players and help in overcoming the "psychological problems".

Video Poker - demonstrate the practice and theory

Video from PokerStrategy make the theory of poker more accessible in practice. Look at the cards and make sure our coaches for their comments during the game. Poker video will show you the application of theoretical concepts, and gives food for thought to develop your own style of play.

Following the popular format - an analysis of user sessions. You play, recording everything on video. Then the coach from analyzes the video, supplying his audio commentary, in which he, for example, points to your errors and suggests alternative gaming tactics.

In addition, we should mention also important theoretical videos. This report or articulated strategy articles to help you to refresh your knowledge or simply facilitate the assimilation of the material, if you suddenly do not want to read the article itself.

Online training - at the same table with the poker pros

A further step - a poker training online at Using special software, you attend to them "live" while watching the game from our coaches.

You see them at the poker table, you hear their comments and can ask questions in chat and discuss them with the coaches.

Players who are at an advanced level, may at any time to order a private lesson from any of the coaches

Community - debate on the strategy and analysis of the hands of professionals

2 million users and over a dozen different languages PokerStrategy turned into the largest poker community in the world. You will always find a competent interlocutor for any level of play and you can ask them questions and discuss ideas concerning poker strategy.

PokerStrategy offers its users an exclusive option - a professional assessment of hands.

Exhibit their hands in a special section of the forum - and experienced players (special appraisers hand) will analyze your game. They will tell you what mistakes you made, and offer an alternative tactic. It is hardly possible to optimize your game easier and faster.
